While I was resting at home the past 1+ weeks, I started reading through my favorite novel 笑傲江湖 again. This must have been my 6 or 7 times reading this epic work by 金庸.
I first started falling in love with 金庸's works when I was 10 yr old. I went from perfect eyesight to 300+ degree in short-sightness in one summer holiday as I frantically read through all of his works in those 2 months. And out of his works, 笑傲江湖 always remains my favorite, mainly because of 令狐冲, whom I could greatly relate to even as a young boy.
In my younger days, I was a lot more fascinated with the various 武功 depicted in the novel. But over the years, as I re-read this classic, I began to appreciate and understand its significance as a work on various human mentalities within a political context. In fact, 金庸 makes no secret that this is precisely his goal as he wrote the novel during China's cultural revolution in the late 60s.
After my 2 volunteer trips to Cambodia, I thought deeply about how one could contribute to the society in a more effective manner and the conclusion I came to is that one would likely have to take on the role of a policy maker and in most instances especially in developing countries, this equates to being a politician.
But being a policy maker or politician often means making compromises on one's principles, and most certainly a surrender of one's own private life. Being able to follow Confucius' belief of "知其不可而為之" is indeed really tough. I suppose this is why I could relate to 令狐冲; his character is one of pursuit of individual freedom while never refusing to surrender one's own integrity standards. This sort of man can indeed always stand on a moral high ground, yet the complexity and the interactions of the various belief systems and power forces in a society means that such obstinate adherence to one's principles will certainly limit the actual scale or effectiveness of this person's contribution to society.
Of course, one can always aspire to become the likes of 方證大師, but the temptation for more influence and power will always be there and I'm just not entirely confident of staying clear of the hideous path of 岳不群, 左冷禪. And it's also likely a path of no return once you've adopted the role of a public figure; the tragic ending for 劉正風 and 曲洋, while fictional, is very much a reflection of real life's difficulty of leaving the political sphere.
In any case, I'm reproducing the epilogue written by 金庸 at the end of 笑傲江湖. As I grow older, these words evoked more thoughts. This really ain't a simple novel, but a well-structured depiction of various political beings. I'd certainly be re-reading this in a few years' time (if God willing) and hopefully I'd gain some new insights again. Anyways, here's the epilogue; really well-worth a read:
孔子對隱者分為三類:像伯夷、叔齊那樣,不放棄自己意志,不犧牲自己尊嚴 (“不降其志,不辱其身”); 像柳下惠、少連那樣,意志和尊嚴有所犧牲,但言行合情合理 (“降志辱身矣,言中倫,行中慮,其斯而已矣”); 像虞仲、夷逸那樣,則是逃世隱居,放肆直言,不做坏事,不參与政治(“隱居放言,身中清,廢中權”)。 孔子對他們評价都很好,顯然認為隱者也有積极的一面。
參与政治活動,意志和尊嚴不得不有所舍棄,那是無可奈何的。柳下惠做法官,曾被三次罷官,人家勸他出國。柳下惠堅持正義,回答說:“直道而事人,焉往而不三黜?枉道而事人,何必去父母之邦?” (《論語》)。 關鍵是在“事人”。為了大眾利益而從政,非事人不可;堅持原則而為公眾服務,不以功名富貴為念,雖然不得不听從上級命令,但也可以說是“隱士”——至于一般意義的隱士,基本要求是求個性的解放自由而不必事人。
《笑傲江湖》在《明報》連載之時,西貢的中文報、越文報和法文報有二十一家同時連載。南越國會中辯論之時,常有議員指責對方是“岳不群”(偽君子)或“左冷禪”(企圖建立霸權者)。 大概由于當時南越政局動蕩,一般人對政治斗爭特別感到興趣。
Hello Michael,
Thank you for this article. 笑傲江湖 is also my favorite philosophy/story of all time. :-)
hey Michael,
I just finish rereading as well. :) agree with what u said man. really a good read and for us to reflect upon. :)
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