Monday, September 19, 2005

a strange conversation...nostalgia

perhaps i shouldn't call it's kind of heart warming at the same time...well, after slogging through some nano fabrication homework till 1 in the morning, a sudden wave of nolstalgia engulfed me and so i decided to give my friends in HK a ring...i guess i should have prepared myself (emotionally) before dialing the long-distance numbers...fact is, this group of friends i had managed to keep in contact since my secondary school days in Hong Kong always arouse a feeling more than mere friendships based on our more innocent and carefree days...i guess they have always been the embodiment of something bigger, something that reminds of the place i was born, the i deals i had as a kid and the level of spirituality i once had...this is the 10th year since my family migrated from Hong Kong to Singapore, and i must say i have a fruitful 10 plans have always more or less gone the way i have intended them to...i am pretty satisfied with the personal trriumphs, to the exten that i chose to define them, i had so far...and yet those last 2 years in HK in Baptist LMC Secondary school always hold a special place in my makes me abit uncomfortable saying it cos i'm abit effy when it comes to these sort of sentimental subjects...perhaps that's what it is...those 2 years represent to me a time when i was truly innocent, full of wild dreams and simple ideals with next to nothing to worry about and these friends i had were the same...and i don't recall being uneasy with discussing matters of the forward 10 years and now i'm a much more cynical person...

that's why catching up with this group of friends always tingles more than the usual vibe i get when i talk to an old friend and i consciously make an effort to stay in touch with them...most of the time these encounters with them evoke many happy memories but occasionally the distance and time barrier do bring about abit of awkwardness...perhaps i have too high expectations of these friendships...but it's an intricate thing to balance this sense of being a close friend and yet being very distance (quite literally)...

anyway, so i called up gloria...she's always been the outstanding smart girl who seem to excel in everything as far as i can remember...we talked for a long while...pickin on random some point we talked about religion and it dawns on me that the most care-free time of my life is also the time when i have the most spiritual peace of mind...and both of us agree that those early years in LMC where we attended the christian fellowship in school regularly was really the last standing fort that pushes us in the direction that there is a God, despite whatever hanging questions and doubts about religion that comes with the development of more complex reasoning later in life...i realize that's really one of the major reason why i long for that period of time so much...and i'm really grateful that i have such an amazing childhood...

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