Thursday, March 09, 2006

Amazing pictures, by an amazing man...

"Painting with light" is the amazing photo-journal of my friend, Brandon Li. I've wanted to post it here for the longest time, so now I finally get around to do it. A brief statement on Brandon; he's the travellers' traveller.

And here's an excerpt from his journal (and in my opinion, he's eloquently described how I feel towards travelling in a way that I will never be able to put into words):

"Travelling is emotional. The anxiety and uncertainty built up before the trip leading to the unfamiliar and the unknown worlds can be unnerving. However, once the step is made to go out of the comfort zone, the momentum gained will carry the traveller through to the end of the journey. When everything familiar is thrown behind, like the diminishing view of the train’s home station from a departing train, new sights and sounds will start to fill the mind and together with that new sensations. It is a delightful experience because the mind yearns to discover new things and learn new emotions. This is the human spirit. Gradually, tiredness will invade the body and the mind will begin to lose interest when all the new surroundings seem to take on a repetitive appearance. This is a critical point because once the soul becomes the weariest part of the body; travelling is dreadful and futile. Constant change numbs and clouds the mind; hence inner courage is needed to seek a path out of the enshrouded mind. At the critical point, tourists turn back and go home while travellers take heart and carry on forward to the unknown. At the end of the journey, the heart will become emotional because it would have gone through a lot of ups and downs. The heart will not be like before and the traveller is forever grateful to have finished the trip. Travelling is about lives moving in parallel between different people at a certain point of time. Through travelling, we experience the diversity among us and appreciate the differences between us."

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