Friday, March 17, 2006

skritch in SF!!!

Well, 4/6 of skritch was in SF and it was certainly a blast hanging out with the guys again after a long break. It was a pity Bryan (in Stanford) couldn't join us, but it was still great fun; doing the usual skritch thing of 'suaning' liechuang, who apparently has earned another recording contract (he said he'd be going after the chinese christian pop music market...i wonder what that really means). In fact, he was in town to film his MTVs and record his EP. Well, I hope this would be the break he's been looking for, cos this dude has dedicated his life to music, something I regretably can't do. So despite all the usual bashing and "liechuang you suck!", I do respect him for that. Anyway, it looks like he'd be my second person I know (郭美美 is the first one; she's actually Tammy's best friend and our schoolmate in secondary school) who'd become a singer, I mean a "real" singer with a recording contract.

I'm pretty sure the record label do not want this picture of liechuang public...but, who cares..haha...that's how liechuang really looks! heee

Huahui and our future "star"...

Me and Jin...

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